bracket plate

bracket plate
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Англо-русский морской словарь. . 1946.

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Смотреть что такое "bracket plate" в других словарях:

  • Bracket-plate-System — Bracket plate System, Bauweise eiserner Schiffe mit Doppelboden, bei der die Außenhaut, der innere Boden und die Längsspanten durch Dreieckplatten (Bracket plates) miteinander verstrebt werden. T. Schwarz …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • plate|hold|er — «PLAYT HOHL duhr», noun. 1. Photography. a receptacle impervious to light, for holding a sensitized plate, used for exposing the plate within the camera by the removal of a slide, and for carrying the plate before and after using. 2. a bracket… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bracket fungus — Conks redirects here. For the British submarine, see HMS Conqueror (S48). For the hairstyle, see Conk. Trametes versicolor, a colorful bracket fungus, now known as Turkey Tail,[1] on a South Carolina stump …   Wikipedia

  • bracket — /brak it/, n. 1. a support, as of metal or wood, projecting from a wall or the like to hold or bear the weight of a shelf, part of a cornice, etc. 2. a shelf or shelves so supported. 3. Also called square bracket. one of two marks [ or ] used in… …   Universalium

  • wall plate — noun plate (a timber along the top of a wall) to support the ends of joists, etc., and distribute the load • Hypernyms: ↑plate * * * noun Etymology: Middle English walplate 1. : plate 5a(1) see roof ill …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vehicle registration plate — A vehicle registration plate is a metal or plastic plate attached to a motor vehicle or trailer for official identification purposes. The registration identifier is a numeric or alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the vehicle within the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hair bracket — Hair Hair (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • License plate jewels — The term license plate jewel is commonly used to refer to a bolt with an ornamental clear or colored glass or plastic head that fastens a vehicle registration plate to a bracket on the body of a motor vehicle and that also acts as a reflector.… …   Wikipedia

  • end bracket — The cover containing a bearing at each end of a generator or alternator. Also called end cover or end cover plate. Also see drive end bracket slip ring end bracket …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • wall plate — 1. Also called raising plate. Building Trades. a horizontal member built into or laid along the top of a wall to support and distribute the pressure from joists, rafters, etc. 2. Mach. a vertical metal plate secured against a wall, as to attach a …   Universalium

  • Hair plate — Hair Hair (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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